Ornamental Turning


Ornamental Turning, also called Complex Turning, is executed on a lathe with attachments which convert a plain circular section to variants of outline; these range from a simple series of cuts taken at intervals around the work (so producing grooves or bumps on the surface) to non-circular movements whereby the whole of the circular shape is removed to give a completely different form.

One ornamental turner described it this way:

These days, ornamental turners working in wood often use a rose engine lathe to produce their artistic pieces. But there are other ornamental turning options which do not use a rose engine lathe.

Chinese Nested Spheres

Also, there are some really nice ornamentally turned pieces made on a "traditional lathe". A classic example is the Chinese Nested Sphere pictured to the right.

David Springett's book, Woodturning Wizardry is an excellent resource for such work. These books are very useful also:

  • John Jacob Holtzapffel's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 4 and
  • John Jacob Holtzapffel's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. 5 and
  • Jeremy Soulsby's English translation of Louis-Eloy Bergeron's Manuel du Tourneur, the Plates and Volume 2

Some useful videos about ournamental turning include:

Additional pictures of this device

Examples of work produced with this device

Examples of this device in use

Usage Notes

How it works

Notes on making one

More Information

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Disclaimer: eMail comments to me at OTBookOfKnowledge @ Gmail.com. The process of woodturning involves the use of tools, machinery and materials which could cause injury or be a health hazard unless proper precautions are taken, including the wearing of appropriate protective equipment.