Pumping is movement of a piece along the axis of rotation (the Z axis).
Usage Notes
If the artist is using a curvilinear slide which produces a curve as shown to the right, then the cutting action on the left will be the inverse of the cutting on the right. (This inverse cutting relationship is equivalent to cutting on the near side vs. cutting on the far side when rocking.)
The effect can be startlingly beautiful: concave patterns on one side are convex on the other, and vice versa.
One artist who has used this to make some beautiful pieces is Christian Lindow, using equipment at the Plumier Foundation.
More Information
Published Articles
- “Pumping On the Rose Engine”, by John Tartly. Ornamental Turners International Newsletter, Volume 21, No. 1 - Spring, 2014, pg. 13
- MDF Rose Engine Pumping Mechanism (YouTube video), by Pat Miller. January, 2018. This video shows the mechanism and motion of linear pumping on an MDF Rose Engine. Inspired by a design by Jean-Claude Charpignon.
- Ornamental Turning with the Lindow White Rose Engine Side Pumping (YouTube video). 2009. Rose Engine work done on a Lindow White with newly designed pumping upgrade.
- Pump cutting on the MDF Rose Engine (YouTube video), by Pat Miller. This video shows pumping on an MDF Rose Engine (which Pat Miller made). This is a very innovative approach that Pat made, using the rosette designed to move the object in a rocking motion, and converting that motion into a pumping action.
- Pumping Mechanisms (YouTube video), by Dan Henry. This presentation was given at the OTI Symposium in Seattle Washington.
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