
Budd Rose Chuck
From "Engineering" magazine, 1886
The Rose Chuck is similar in nature to the Rose Cutting Frame. With the Rose Chuck, the chuck is affixed to the spindle nose of a simple lathe, and the object being held is moved according to the design of the rosette which is also affixed to the Rose Chuck. It was developed in the early days when rose engine lathes were rare.
### Additional pictures of this device
Additional pictures of this device
### Examples of work produced with this device
Examples of work produced with this device
### Examples of this device in use
Examples of this device in use
### Usage Notes
### How it works
### Notes on making one
### More Information
More Information
Published Articles
- Engineering Magazine
- Volume XLI, 25th June 1886, pg. 612-614. This is Budd's rose chuck constructed by Messrs. Holtzapffel & Co. The SOT have a copy of this article on their web site, which includes pictures and drawings.
- Volume XLII
- Volume LIV, 19th August 1892
Books and Papers
- Holtzapffel Volume VI, compiled by John Edwards. Part 1, Chapter 2
- Notes on the Rose Chuck and Pumping Apparatus, published by Holtzapffel & Co.
- Patent #5570 registered by George William Budd on 6th May 1885
- The Rose Engine, by Norman Tweddle
Web Sites
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