Pen Turning


Pen Turning requires a lot of planning to ensure the pattern gets imparted correctly. The rosette's amplitude could be too large, so it must be managed appropriately using an Amplitude Adjuster, and the cutting action must be perfectly aligned with the spindle's axis of rotation. The referenced articles below give far more information about this.

Additional pictures of this device

Examples of work produced with this device

Examples of this device in use

Usage Notes

How it works

Notes on making one

More Information

Published Articles

  • Creating a Pen Mandrel With Eric Spatt by Eric Spatt. Ornamental Turners International Newsletter, Volume 20, No. 1 - Spring, 2013, pg. 8
  • Pen Barrels by Scott Barrett. Ornamental Turners International Newsletter, Volume 26, No. 1 - Summer, 2019, pg. 12
  • Pen Mandrel Modifications by Peter Gerstel. Rose Engine News, Volume 6, No. 1, Spring-Summer, 2015, pg, 8.
  • Pen Turning by (unknown). Rose Engine News, Volume 4, No. 3, Winter, 2013-4, pg, 10.
  • Rough Turning and Facing Pen Blanks by John Tarpley. Rose Engine News, Volume 4, No. 2, Tool Bonus Issue, 2014, pg, 24.
  • Using the Straight Line Chuck to Make Pens by Brian Clarry and David Lindow with Charts by Jeffery Cheramie. Rose Engine News, Volume 4, No. 2, Tool Bonus Issue, 2014, pg, 25.

Books and Papers

Web Sites



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Disclaimer: eMail comments to me at OTBookOfKnowledge @ The process of woodturning involves the use of tools, machinery and materials which could cause injury or be a health hazard unless proper precautions are taken, including the wearing of appropriate protective equipment.